Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 1!

Ok here we go finally. Starting the Egypt Journal.

04/02/2010 - Sydney Airport

At the airport now, at an ungodly hour of course. Salo and i had the great idea of staying up all night and sleeping on the plane. Could help with the jet lag? Guess we will find out in a few hours! Then again i cant remember ever having good night sleep on a plane, but this time will be different.

Its weird to see the airport this empty, wasnt sure if the duty free store was even open or not, spent awhile looking at $5000 sctoch thinking "when im richer" (were still in sydney at this point, the egypt starts abit later).

Everyone else here looks super tired and like we all know sleepy = grumpy. Already saw more then once person jumping up and down because customs has to go through their bags, all i have to say is sucked in.

This is salo's first time out of the country... haha reading back i dont really want to post this paragrpah on the interwebs.. its grubby.

Lost track of dad and casey as well, they are in a shop somewhere, i think dad is buying casey a camcorder, which is a big jump from the watch she was originally looking at. Anyway we are going to head over to the gate now and hang out until the flight takes off, ill write about the flight when we land in dubai. Hope its daylight so i can see the area as we fly in, always wanted to see dubai, ever since they did it up anyway!

Dubai International

Well there was daylight over dubai, but also a god damn sand storm, couldnt see a damn thing, curse you desert, you beat me again! If there was anything awesome to look at on the descent, we missed it :( Also the cross wind was pretty epic, pretty bumpy landing, but we survived so 10 points to the pilot.

The flight itself was fine, alot more comfortable then the flight to America, roomier seats, entertainment system was better and the best part… an empty seat between salo and myself! If that isn’t a sweet deal I don’t know what is. Even managed to get some sleep, so good day.

Anyway were all still pretty tired and my lovely sister hasn’t had a smoke in like 15 hours so she is slightly aggravated. Adding to that, the fact we don’t know where you can smoke in this crazy place means she was not a happy camper. The terminal was huge and we were wandering around for awhile till salo and I gave up and just went to the gate, separating in a different country, what could go wrong right?
On the way to the gate we stopped in some stores and saw some $60k phones and some strange dubai candies. Wasn’t long till we were waiting at the gate for dad and casey.. but yeah, when we got there it was already on its final call and dad and casey are no where to be seen… awesome! Eventually dad rocks up and casey is still not there. God dammit, hope you like dubai sis coz were leaving you!

Just kidding she shows up eventually and we make it on the flight.. which was 40 minutes delayed anyway. On the flight we sat next to this poor girl that was a horrible flyer, sitting near salo and I probably didn’t help, we arnt the most understanding bunch haha, but yeah 4 hours til Egypt!
Finally in Egypt-
After 24ish hours of travelling and several time zones later were finally at Cairo international airport. This airport is not anywhere near as impressive as dubai international.. it kind of reminds me of central station in Sydney, or the underground parts of town hall. So yeah, great first impressions. We weren’t sure where to get visas here so we lined up at the customs part and got sent back to the bank to get some, they laughed at us for being silly tourists.. who goes to a bank for a visa, crazy people. Anyway $15 american later were allowed into the country!
Rest of the airport wasn’t really worth mentioning, it was dark and pretty cold, we met up with a driver and we ended up at the hotel shortly after. Casey salo and I went wandering for snacks and the streets were pretty packed, no clue what was going on, if it was just another night in the city or if something special was going on but yeah, we found snacks and exchanged some money so we finally have some local currency. Now im falling asleep as I write this, so time for a nice long sleep!

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